Aryan Futurism: The Vision

This is the text of my ARYAN FUTURISM speech, delivered to the New Right meeting in central London on 28 May 2005.
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. It’s a great, hot, sunny afternoon, which means it’s clear, and when it’s clear we can see further. So I want to see how far we can see. First I’ll talk about where we could be, what it will look like, why Aryan, why Futurist, and why Imperium - and then I’ll discuss how we could get there: how to re-align folk away from the current corrosive human rights agenda and towards European nationalism and growth.
First – a journey to the absolute elsewhere. Imagine you’re flying high above the Eurasian continent – maybe in a spacecraft. Below, you see primeval forest, as our ancestors knew it, with bears, wolves and the lustrous beauty of Mother Nature restored. Every so often you catch sight one of the crystalline structures, perhaps kilometres high, which stud the verdant landscape from Galway Bay to the Kamchatka peninsular.
These crystalline structures are Arologies, originally imagined by Italian architect Paulo Soleri way back in the 1960s. They are cities, like the future-metropolis in Logan’s Run, or Arthur C. Clarke’s CITY AND THE STARS. Arcologies are completely self-sufficient and ecologically sound. They generate their own power using nuclear fission or, ideally, fusion. Healthy food is produced in plankton and algae factories, while genetically engineered protein means we no longer have to kill sentient animals for food, and we can eat meat with a clear conscience. Arcologies are connected to one another via trans-continental tunnels and air and space ports, and built in such a way that in the event of a planetary catastrophe they can leave Earth and survive in deep space.
Anyone who has not volunteered to perform duties for the State is allowed to leave and return to the Arcology at any stage. They can only take with them whatever food, clothing and weapons they can carry, then find a pleasant spot to build a log cabin, and live the life of a trapper. I imagine that the valleys closer to the Arcology would be more populous than those further away, and that a sort of frontier justice would prevail, something like the environment described in William Burroughs PLACE OF DEAD ROADS. Beyond this hinterland would extend the real wilderness. Our Germanic ancestors had a strong belief in the power of “Utgard” – “the area outside” – the area uninhabited by Gods or men, as opposed to “Midgard” – “Middle Earth” – the civilized world of Gods, men and order. Utgard is where Gods and men face their greatest battles. This “Utgard” is a testing ground for youths from the Arcology, to prove themselves in initiation ceremonies, rituals, drinking bouts, man-hunts and survival skills in the wilderness. Traditional societies have no trouble in channeling youthful boisterousness; Nu Labor hasn’t got a clue and calls them “teenage yobbos”.
Inside the Arcologies, the order and authority of the Imperium prevails. Traditionalist thinkers have given less thought to technological automation than to other, perhaps more pressing matters, but 2 who have are Alexander Raven Thomson and Oswald Mosley, both of the British Union of Fascists. I think in some ways the BUF can act as a more inspiring model than the interwar continental systems, as the liberalism and Humpty Dumpty economics of 30’s British Empire is not so dissimilar to the problems all Europeans face now, whereas Italy and Germany faced specific challenges particular to their time. Thomson was the BUF corporate state theorist, one of whose ideas was motorways, and who won almost 25% of the vote in Bethnal Green in 1937. In his book Civilisation as Divine Superman (1932) Thomson wrote, “civilisation could avoid decay if it adopted as its model the communal organisation of Maeterlinck’s insect communities, ‘super-organisms’ in which individual differentiation took place within a “communal spirit shared by every member of the hive”.
Mosley himself believed the solution to the challenge of automation was the “wage-price mechanism” and autarky, or, as he put it, “the insulated self-contained area freed from the world cost system”.
Economics is from Ancient Greek and simply means “household management”: at its most basic it means being able to provide the material life-support for a society – such things as food, warmth, shelter, and (I would argue) access to communications technology. I believe production of material goods should be limited, and rationed by the State exercising a Command Economy. The economy operates on the level of society, not culture. I don’t think economics is as important as politics, and nothing for serious-minded men to fall out over. There are lots of reasons why I personally believe a planned economy is superior to a free-market economy, but here are the main 3:
1. A command economy is the most efficient way of providing a population with the basic essentials for living. Economies of scale, standardization and above all automation would free vast numbers of workers from the meaningless toil of financial and other service industries, to pursue full-time their own individual interests, joining sports clubs, studying, or just drinking and smoking and hanging out with friends. Of course, if a person wants to do something worthwhile, then they can volunteer for State service in a field to which they are suited.
The Neolithic agricultural revolution greatly increased our power over nature, but at the cost of a life of drudgery in the fields for millions of peasants, trapped under the limited horizons of Bronze Age technology. Anthropologists estimate that hunter-gatherers of the stone age only spent about an hour a day working for their survival: the rest was play and contemplation. The industrial revolution increased our ability to manipulate our environment even further, thereby eliminating agricultural labour and, currently, manufacturing labour.
We’ve already had the technology to make this automated utopia a reality for a few decades; what’s stopping us from advancing is consumer capitalism, which is above all a psychological control system. It is propped up by advertising and mass-media to keep everyone’s snouts in the trough. As Buddha (a great Aryan) discovered, the cause of suffering is desire, and desire for more and more material goods (i.e. consumer capitalism) causes more and more suffering and is unsustainable, which leads to my second reason for supporting a command economy:
My second argument is that as limited resources dwindle, we have the option of either rationing, which would lead to the introduction of a planned economy, or leaving the free market as it is. Leaving things as they are would mean only the very richest, most treacherous plutocrats would survive, and they are the very same gangsters (the Windsors, the Bushes etc.) who collaborated the most in destroying Aryan civilization.
Thirdly, command economies seem to be the best at providing military security and guaranteeing technological advance. Britain was forced to adopt a planned economy during WW1 and WW2 to ensure survival. Germany pre-1945 was the most technologically advanced country in the world, the Soviet Union was the first space power and the Americans only got a man to the moon thanks to the state-supported military-industrial complex and Werner von Braun.
To sum up automation in the words of Ernst Junger in Der Arbeiter (1932) “Beyond the democracy of labour, in which the contents of the familiar world will be remoulded and reworked, the outlines can be made out of forms of State which are not comparable to anything that has so far existed. However, what can be predicted is that neither work nor labour will exist in any sense that we have known. The discovery of work as a constituent of abundance and freedom still lies before us…The true contest is for the discovery of a new and unknown world – a discovery more destructive and pregnant with consequences than the discovery of America. It is only with awe that we can look on as man strives to sharpen weapons and hearts in the midst of chaotic upheavals, and see how prepared he is to renounce any simple way out which leads to mere happiness.
To participate in this process and to serve its cause: this is the task with which we are charged.”
We’ve had a glimpse into the future – now I’d like to talk about why Aryan, and why an Imperium.
Only a radical Imperium based on traditional Aryan concepts of synthesis can do justice to the European Faustean spirit. To quote Guillaume Faye, “The old European tradition was always modernist…We don’t stupidly revolt against contemporary Europe, but remain loyal to that which has always been part of Europe”. He is right: the dead hand of 18th century liberalism, which was superseded by continental European political and philosophical thinkers over 2 centuries ago, still clenches the world ever-tighter in its rigor mortis grip.
In MAN AND TECHNICS Spengler wrote, “Now [man] meant not merely to plunder [nature] of her materials, but to enslave and harness her very forces so as to multiply his own strength. This monstrous and unparalleled idea is as old as the Faustean Culture itself. Already in the tenth century we meet with technical constructions of a wholly new sort. Already the steam engine, the steamship, and the air machine are in the thoughts of Roger Bacon and Albertus Magnus. And many a monk busied himself in his cell with the idea of Perpetual Motion.
This last idea never thereafter let go its hold on us, for success would mean the final victory over “God or Nature”, a small world of one’s own creation moving like the great world, by virtue of its own forces and obeying the hand of man alone. To build a world oneself, to be oneself God – that is the Faustian inventor’s dream, and from it has sprung all our designing and re-designing of machines to approximate as nearly as possible the unattainable limit of perpetual motion.”
English philosopher Francis Bacon eloquently expresses the necessary violence of the Faustian spirit in his FABLE OF PROTEUS – which is all about struggle:
“If any skilful minister of nature shall apply force to nature, and by design torture and vex it in order to its annihilation, it on the contrary, being brought to this necessity, changes and transforms itself into a strange variety of shapes and appearances; for nothing but the power of the Creator can annihilate it or truly destroy it… And that method of torturing or detaining will prove the most effective and expeditious which makes use of manacles and fetters, i.e lays hold and works upon matter in the extremist degree”.
These words remind me of the CERN particle accelerator in Switzerland with its huge magnetic forces.
According to the Perennial Tradition, we are consciousness fallen into matter. Aryan civilizations’ creation of technology, Descarte’s “quantifying reductionism” and scientific materialism is a further involution, or sinking, into matter. Our consciousness delves deeper into the Matrix of matter, but I believe this to be Western civilization’s destiny and also our escape. Tradition also tells us that the switch from the dark age, the Kali Yuga, to the Golden Age, the Krita Yuga, is instantaneous. My own guess is that it could be realized with Faster-than-Light travel through the light-barrier, culminating in something like the light-show at the end of Kubrik’s 2001, or the sphere in Event Horizon. W.H. Muller’s 1995 book Polaria explores the esoteric and spiritual side of FTL travel. Of course it may be some other, at present unimaginable, transgression of technology, or spiritual discipline, that facilitates the next stage of our evolution. But when we do this, we can be sure we become something beyond human. An effect of FTL travel is that the traveller exists in all places at all times, which is one of the definitions of a God.
In the famous words of Nietzsche, "Man is a rope, tied between beast and overman--a rope over an abyss...
What is great in man is that he is a bridge and not an end: what can be loved in man is that he is an overture and a going under...”
Now for the political structure…why an Imperium
Politics is about the direction we want our civilization to grow, and the structures necessary to ensure that growth. For that, I think it’s best to read Indo-Europeanists such as Mircea Eliade, Carl Jung, Alain Danielou and Georges Dumezil who have studied archetypal recurring patterns of Aryan power and Jean Markele who emphasises the importance of synthesis and movement in the Ancient Celtic worldview, similar to Heraclitus.
Aryan Imperium must be a synthesis of that ultimate political polarity – a stable, authoritarian Imperium (represented by Ice) v freedom, creative imagination and the Italian Futurist Marinetti’s idea of speed (all of which can all be characterized as Fire). It needs to be a resolution between settler v nomads, mountain men v mariners. To translate into mythological terms it’s the combination of Muspellheim v Nifleheim which leads to the creation of Ymir, father of Gods and Giants.
Integral to any Aryan Imperium worthy of the name is the Tripartite structure. Alby Stone, another Indo-Europeanist, best describes this trifunctional society as analogous to the human body, the different qualities represented by head, arms and torso.
My own suggestion is this: Emperor rules, in consultation with a Round Table of 12 advisors (like the 12 Olympian Gods or the 12 high Gods of Asgard). All posts are elected and, once elected, last for life. Election is open to all Aryans who have completed a voluntary, time-unspecified service of duty to the State (e.g. in the Armed Forces or hospitals). There’s more about a future volunteerist state in Robert Heinlein’s STARSHIP TROOPERS.
Another useful political concept, current in the European Union but originally developed by the Catholic Church Is Subsidiarity. The tenet holds that nothing should be done by a larger and more complex organization which can be done as well by a smaller and simpler organisation.
The Imperium has as its primary directive the evolution and progress of Aryan mankind, both as an individual and as a species. The Empire collectively is committed to scientific and technical innovation; evolution of the Overman, and guarantees to provide and maintain all platforms necessary for its development: unlimited resources for scientific research and freedom of speech, education and access to participate encouraged for all Aryans.
You can have an authoritarian State which exhorts free speech; the two are not incompatible. The Kaiserreich is good example. Bismark maintained the noble German tradition of Gedankenfreiheit by letting newspapers publish whatever they wanted and the State could only act retrospectively by suing in the courts.
I think that all Aryans in the Imperium will be freer than ever before, more free possibly than we can imagine. The whole objective of the Imperium is to liberate the creative imagination of each individual, thereby adding their own unique contribution to the ever-expanding empire. Industrial automation is the technological foundation for this ultimate state of freedom.
The principal and defining social relationship of the Imperium is the comrade. Men and women are encouraged to treat each other as brother and sister, homosexuality would be no more remarkable than it was in pagan Europe. We need a re-balancing of the interests of the nation and race against those of the nuclear family. I believe Heinrich Schurtz, author of Alterklassen und Mannerbunde is right, “Schurtz emphasised that the social impulse, the drive to create communities and political institutions, was reserved only to the male. The ‘instinctive sympathy’ between men was the precondition for social life”. Julius Evola, Adolf Brand and Hans Bluher all developed ideas about how the domestic, feminine, comfortable, later bourgeois nuclear family is antithetical to Aryan achievement. For the meantime, all of Europe faces de-population, and replacement by non-Aryans. I’ve read about towns in Germany that have managed to reverse the trend by giving tax-breaks and other encouragements to larger families. Abortion-on-demand of white babies must be outlawed across the continent. The so-called “pensions crisis” is yet another lie designed to keep the public cowered while the Establishment promotes third world immigration. It is easily solved with automation and a planned economy.
A word about language Proto-Indo-European, which scholars have been researching for 150 years now, is the ideal future Lingua Franca, with national languages taught in schools as second languages. Nearly all modern languages in Europe evolved from Indo-European, so not only would we learn the roots and thought processes involved in our own language, but we’d also be learning it for all European languages, making them easier to speak.
Territorial Extent
I imagine an Aryan Imperium stretching from Reykjavik to Vladivostok, including the whole of the European continent, Russia and Siberia. In particular, Aryan Futurists recognize the brutality of Hitlerism against our Slav brothers, and the continual undermining of the Slavic folk by the Western plutocracies and alien infiltration. There are 3 reasons why I feel especially optimistic about Russia and eastern Europe. Firstly, the region has a history of Aryan spirituality and culture going back millennia. Secondly, the region has the greatest concentration anywhere of undiluted Aryans. Thirdly, recent political developments, such as the increasing popularity of Eurasianism and National Bolshevism demonstrate burgeoning biocultural, racial and cultural awareness. Russia must be allowed to take the leading role as a nation in building the Imperium, if she so desires.
From north to south, we can imagine an Aryan homeland extending southward from the North Pole to around 34-36 degrees latitude. That would include Gibraltar, Malta, Crete and Cyprus, but exclude Jerusalem and the Middle East. (I believe this particular exclusion is vital, but others may disagree). The only salient non-Aryan civilizations that extend a little north of this latitude are the Oriental civilizations of China, Korea and Japan. Oriental civilization has a separate destiny from that of the West, we are on different roads, so we should secure their borders with the Imperium amicably, and leave them to their own fate.
Arctic Citadel
To avoid any lingering petty nationalist quarrels, a new capital city can be built in geodesic orbit above the North Pole. Hyperborean Aryans have a prior historic claim to the North Pole (Thule), demonstrated by Carl Jung and Mircea Eliade.
Space above the Polar Axis to be reserved for a 4-square castellated crystal space city, as envisaged in Aryan mythology from Arianrhod’s Fort in Celtic folklore to Mount Meru in Hinduism.
“If you build it, they will come”. You may recognize this quote from Field of Dreams. What I mean by it - is that a civilization needs a goal, a destination to mobilize around in order to demonstrate it’s true greatness. For the Romans it was Pax Augustus and the Golden Age celebrated by Virgil, for the Ancient Egyptians the building of the pyramids, and for the Germans a 1,000 year empire. Goethe tells us that great events cast their shadow before them, and I believe the Aryan mythos, which locates the gods of Asgard at the North Pole, is the shadow of that great event that still lies before us. That event is the transformation of Man into God.
Ringing the Arctic Ocean is a highly desirable consequence of a Eurasian, and eventually circumpolar, Aryan Imperium. If the Arctic was ice-free, then it would have by far the busiest shipping lanes in the world, and correspondingly massive ports and cities. All the other oceans and seas in the world would become backwaters. European sailors have always understood the need for Arctic trade, from the Vikings and Hanseatic League to the adventurers searching for a Northwest passage from the 15th to 19th centuries.
Politically and ideologically, the United States is the catastrophic result of a failed liberal-humanist experiment by 18th century Europeans. Even worse, many of the original white settlers had been driven out of Europe because of their extreme Christian fundamentalism…a fundamentalism that lives on today in the Red Republican states that voted for George W. Bush, and also in their Christian Identity nationalist groups.
If Canada and at least parts of the United States opt to join the Imperium, then we surround the Arctic Ocean completely and it becomes a “mare nostrum” (our sea) in the same way that the Mediterranean became “mare nostrum” for the Romans.
The scientific consensus is that the Arctic will be ice-free by the end of the century, but I’d like to think that by 2100 our technology would have made maritime navigation irrelevant, except for hobbyists; instead we can use airships and inter-continental tunnels for transport.
The Polar Axis City will be the launch-pad for the Aryan Space Empire (which happily has the acronym ASE=from race of Germanic Gods), incorporating the terrestrial Imperium stretching across Eurasia and the Arctic, additional strategic locations on Earth, especially on the Equator for satellite launches/ space elevators, and of course any planets, satellites, planetary systems and regions of space that we occupy. Equatorial bases would be negotiated in friendly consultation with Chinese, Japanese, Indians, Latin Americans and any other culture that survives the collapse of the plutocratic New World Order.
Political Futurist Party September 1918 Rome “intuits present needs and articulates precisely the consciousness of the whole race in its purging revolutionary momentum. The party can be joined by all Italians, men or women, of any class or age, even if artistic and literary concepts are beyond them”.
How to get there. Our great advantage is that people know this stuff instinctively through what Michael Moynihan has called meta-genetics. Georges Sorel said we need a myth to mobilize the folk, and I say what better myth than the true one, the ones that speak of Aryan origins and destiny, the one that every Aryan knows in their blood.
The French post-modernist Paul Virilo has emphasised the importance of being physically in a place to force change, in his book Speed and Politics. It’s what he calls Dromology, getting people onto the streets, as in the French Revolution or unemployed Germans after 1929-30.
I believe the next step would be to establish “Aryan cultural centres” in the heart of every town and city across the continent. These centres would be much more than just offices – they would have barrack dormitories, bars, sports facilities, libraries, temples or a pantheon to all the Aryan gods (which could also be used as a bar), as well as offices with IT for communications/ propaganda. Rural Cultural centres could provide their urban counterparts with free, organic food, in exchange for new recruits and their labour. I think it’s better to concentrate resources on that sort of practical project (as the Arktion Federation is doing with the Jomsburg farm project), rather than wasting resources on elections and lost deposits. After all, south London has some sort of immigrant legal rights drop-in shop or refugee community centre in every high street, but nothing for the people who built this city.
The function of these cultural centres is to promote Aryan culture, in its broadest sense, and defend our people. Oswald Mosley had something similar in the 1930s (sadly without the pagan temples!) which he called “Black Houses”:
“In the autumn of 1933 it [the B.U.F.] acquired the lease of Whiteland Teachers Training College in the King’s Road, Chelsea, which became know as Black House. It was a cross between an administrative headquarters, social club and army camp. Other Black Houses in the main urban centres were formed on the same model. In the original one, hundreds of members of I Squad or the London Defence Force slept, ate and lived to the sound of the bugle summoning them for reveille (re-valley) meal-times, parades and lights out. They trained in gymnastics, boxing and judo. They roared out in their military-looking vans to defend speakers or rescue them in trouble.”
Instead of judo, I’d suggest some native martial art as researched by Pennick and others.
Recruitment: sci-fi conventions, teenage games magazines, gay scene
I think it’s very important, not just symbolically, that these meeting are taking place in the heart of the parasitic Leviathan, a founder-capital of the New World Order and home to Winston Churchill and the Rothschilds. As you know, London is one of the citadels of multi-racism, global capitalism and everything we hate, and has been for centuries, since Henry VIII, Oliver Cromwell and especially since the 1688 Glorious Revolution and the foundation of the Bank of England. My feeling is if a strong, intelligent, positive Aryan movement can start here and succeed, under the noses of our foes, then it can succeed anywhere.
Finally, I’d like to end with a quote from Ortega y Gasset, “Europeans do not know how to live unless they are engaged in some great enterprise. When this is lacking, they grow petty and feeble and their souls disintegrate.”
Aryan Futurism is for everyone who feels the fire of Aryan aspiration and achievement in their blood. Above all, it is about action for the future.
Labels: Futurism, New Right Politics